Who are we?
As new beginners in the raw food world, it has been two years since we’ve started the raw food journey, and we thought it’s important to spread the message of the benefits of raw food. Visiting some Fruit Festivals in Europe and seeing the beautiful community that has grown there, we wanted to start something similar in our country.

Simona Hristovska
Simona Hristovska has been on raw food for 2 years and when she first felt the benefits on her body from this way of eating, for her this was the discovery of a new life path.
She started this way of eating together with her family, and the idea from a small experiment turned into a lifestyle that has been going on for 2 years now for the whole family.
Simona is always on the lookout for new knowledge on how best to keep her body and mind in balance with the help of fresh, nutritious food.
A year ago she attended the UK Fruit Fest, where he had the opportunity to learn from expert lecturers with many years of experience on the subject.
Personal benefits that she has felt from fresh plant food are: more energy, easier falling asleep, clear skin (no acne before and after period), increased calmness (faster identification of her emotions), faster recovery of the body after exercise, better digestion etc.
She's a certified Yoga instructor (200RYS), studying in Inside Yoga Studio.

Goran Hristovski
In February 2022, Goran faced few health challenges and decided to take some action. The Raw Food diet resonated with him very much and started to explore literature about raw food benefits.
After learning about raw food, together with his parents and sister, decided to try the raw food diet for 3 weeks.
During the 3-week period, when the benefits of raw food were apparent, they prolonged the test period to 3 months, then to 6 months and then they stopped counting, since this was clearly the best solution you can provide for your body and your health.
Passionate for knowledge, he discovered the book "80/10/10 Diet" by Dr. Douglas Graham, which helped him understand, among other things, the importance of eating low fat.
Loves reading books, playing chess and sharing with others the benefits of raw food.

From our kitchen: Dehydrated carrot burgers with tomato-marinated mushrooms and sunflower dressing
Get in Touch
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